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数据增强是解决过度合适的有效方法。许多以前的作品提出了针对NLP的不同数据增强策略,例如注入噪声,单词更换,反向翻译等。虽然有效,但它们错过了语言的一个重要特征 - 复杂性,复杂表达的含义是由其子构建的部分。在此激励的情况下,我们提出了一种称为Treemix的自然语言理解的组成数据增强方法。具体而言,Treemix利用选区解析树将句子分解为组成型子结构和混合数据增强技术以重组它们以生成新的句子。与以前的方法相比,Treemix引入了更大的多样性,并鼓励模型学习NLP数据的组成性。关于文本分类和扫描的广泛实验表明,Treemix优于当前最新数据增强方法。
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专家混合物(MOE)由于其成功提高了模型质量,特别是在变压器方面的成功而变得流行。通过向几个专家提供稀疏门的令牌,每个专家只包含完整模型的一部分,Moe将模型尺寸保持不变,并且显着降低了每次标记计算,从而有效地缩放神经网络。但是,我们发现,目前的联合训练专家和稀疏门的方法引入了对模型精度的负面影响,缩短了昂贵的大规模模型训练的效率。在这项工作中,我们提出了用于MOE训练的密集至稀疏的门(DTS-Gate)。具体而言,代替使用永久稀疏门,DTS-Gate开始作为向所有专家路由令牌的密集栅极开始,然后逐渐和自适应地成为稀疏,而路线较少到更少的专家。与DTS-Gate的Moe自然地通过培训所有专家训练专家和稀疏门的训练,然后学习稀疏门。实验表明,与GPT-MOE(1.5B)模型中的最先进的开关门相比,使用OpenWeBtext数据集(40GB),DTS-Gate可以获得2.0倍的加速以达到相同的验证困惑,如以及更高的拖鞋 - 效率为1.42倍的加速。
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In this paper, we propose a novel meta learning approach for automatic channel pruning of very deep neural networks. We first train a PruningNet, a kind of meta network, which is able to generate weight parameters for any pruned structure given the target network. We use a simple stochastic structure sampling method for training the PruningNet. Then, we apply an evolutionary procedure to search for good-performing pruned networks. The search is highly efficient because the weights are directly generated by the trained PruningNet and we do not need any finetuning at search time. With a single PruningNet trained for the target network, we can search for various Pruned Networks under different constraints with little human participation. Compared to the state-of-the-art pruning methods, we have demonstrated superior performances on Mo-bileNet V1/V2 and ResNet. Codes are available on https: //github.com/liuzechun/MetaPruning. This work is done when Zechun Liu and Haoyuan Mu are interns at Megvii Technology.
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This paper presents stacked attention networks (SANs) that learn to answer natural language questions from images. SANs use semantic representation of a question as query to search for the regions in an image that are related to the answer. We argue that image question answering (QA) often requires multiple steps of reasoning. Thus, we develop a multiple-layer SAN in which we query an image multiple times to infer the answer progressively. Experiments conducted on four image QA data sets demonstrate that the proposed SANs significantly outperform previous state-of-the-art approaches. The visualization of the attention layers illustrates the progress that the SAN locates the relevant visual clues that lead to the answer of the question layer-by-layer.
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This paper investigates the problem of Named Entity Recognition (NER) for extreme low-resource languages with only a few hundred tagged data samples. NER is a fundamental task in Natural Language Processing (NLP). A critical driver accelerating NER systems' progress is the existence of large-scale language corpora that enable NER systems to achieve outstanding performance in languages such as English and French with abundant training data. However, NER for low-resource languages remains relatively unexplored. In this paper, we introduce Mask Augmented Named Entity Recognition (MANER), a new methodology that leverages the distributional hypothesis of pre-trained masked language models (MLMs) for NER. The <mask> token in pre-trained MLMs encodes valuable semantic contextual information. MANER re-purposes the <mask> token for NER prediction. Specifically, we prepend the <mask> token to every word in a sentence for which we would like to predict the named entity tag. During training, we jointly fine-tune the MLM and a new NER prediction head attached to each <mask> token. We demonstrate that MANER is well-suited for NER in low-resource languages; our experiments show that for 100 languages with as few as 100 training examples, it improves on state-of-the-art methods by up to 48% and by 12% on average on F1 score. We also perform detailed analyses and ablation studies to understand the scenarios that are best-suited to MANER.
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Feature reuse has been a key technique in light-weight convolutional neural networks (CNNs) design. Current methods usually utilize a concatenation operator to keep large channel numbers cheaply (thus large network capacity) by reusing feature maps from other layers. Although concatenation is parameters- and FLOPs-free, its computational cost on hardware devices is non-negligible. To address this, this paper provides a new perspective to realize feature reuse via structural re-parameterization technique. A novel hardware-efficient RepGhost module is proposed for implicit feature reuse via re-parameterization, instead of using concatenation operator. Based on the RepGhost module, we develop our efficient RepGhost bottleneck and RepGhostNet. Experiments on ImageNet and COCO benchmarks demonstrate that the proposed RepGhostNet is much more effective and efficient than GhostNet and MobileNetV3 on mobile devices. Specially, our RepGhostNet surpasses GhostNet 0.5x by 2.5% Top-1 accuracy on ImageNet dataset with less parameters and comparable latency on an ARM-based mobile phone.
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通过快速梯度符号方法(FGSM)生成的样品(也称为FGSM-AT)生成的样品是一种计算上的简单方法,可以训练训练强大的网络。然而,在训练过程中,在Arxiv:2001.03994 [CS.LG]中发现了一种不稳定的“灾难性过度拟合”模式,在单个训练步骤中,强大的精度突然下降到零。现有方法使用梯度正规化器或随机初始化技巧来减轻此问题,而它们要么承担高计算成本或导致较低的稳健精度。在这项工作中,我们提供了第一项研究,该研究从三个角度彻底研究了技巧的集合:数据初始化,网络结构和优化,以克服FGSM-AT中的灾难性过度拟合。令人惊讶的是,我们发现简单的技巧,即a)掩盖部分像素(即使没有随机性),b)设置较大的卷积步幅和平滑的激活功能,或c)正规化第一卷积层的重量,可以有效地应对过度拟合问题。对一系列网络体系结构的广泛结果验证了每个提出的技巧的有效性,还研究了技巧的组合。例如,在CIFAR-10上接受了PREACTRESNET-18培训,我们的方法对PGD-50攻击者的准确性为49.8%,并且针对AutoAttack的精度为46.4%,这表明Pure FGSM-AT能够启用健壮的学习者。代码和模型可在https://github.com/ucsc-vlaa/bag-of-tricks-for-for-fgsm-at上公开获得。
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